Harnessing the Power of Self-Reinvention – Natasha 2nd Gen (July 22, 2021)

“Don’t be afraid of the dark times.”

Darkness is never without light – that is the universal truth. The darker it gets, the brighter the light that will come shining very soon. It’s all a matter of learning to take the right steps, even in difficult times. We may not be perfect as people and crises may make us break down, but we can always do what is right – often, this is also what is best for us.

For Natasha 2nd Gen’s Luzon branches, these are young leaders who have been sharpened by this crisis. As they feel the hardships from our times, the more that they can learn to reinvent themselves to be stronger than ever before. This process is never easy, but they learned that it is not impossible.

Congratulations and best of luck to all of you at #Natasha! Shine your light in all this darkness.

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