The failure to address and resolve sales problems as they happen can have dire consequences and effects on the total sales performance. Quick fixes and haphazard solutions may make matters worse and lead to bigger problems in the future. Getting bombarded with various problems and challenges from different areas can lead to stress-inducing situations for sales leaders.
This program focuses on the main issues and concerns that are commonly affecting sales leaders and provides practical tools and techniques that would help them as they address the problems they encounter. Arriving at a solution does not solve the problem; it is through the proper execution and implementation of the chosen solution that solves it. However, sometimes it is during the implementation phase that many sales leaders fumble due to their heavy workloads and time constraints. That is why it is important to enhance their focus on the implementation and evaluation of their solutions.
This seminar also includes developing the ability of participants on how to differentiate problems from constraints to better address their problems and challenges from a position of control. In addition to this, a sales problem resolution framework that promotes participation and ownership in their subordinates will also be provided.
The expected result is a more collaborative approach to resolving sales problems that would promote a deeper sense of buy-in from salespeople to boost their motivation to perform.
Module I: Developing your Corrective Actions to Improve Sales Performance
A. Troubleshooting Sales Problems
1. Sales Team Execution
2. Planning and Strategy
3. Leadership Issues
4. Communication Issues
5. Integrity and Judgment Problems
6. Individual and Team Problems
7. Sales Tracking and Monitoring Procedures
B. Addressing your Sales Constraints
1. Dealing with Competitive Threats
a. The Importance of Competitive Analysis
b. Determining your Competitive Advantage
c. Developing an Action Plan to Address Competitor Moves
2. Probing and Understanding the Customers’ Situation
a. Analyzing the Misalignment in the Selling and Buying Perspectives
b. Determining the Changes in the Buying Attitude and Behavior
c. Strengthening your Position in the Customers’ Mind Ladder
3. Sales Approach Modification: The Value Fighter Strategy
a. Product or Service Improvements
b. Selling Process Improvements
c. Pricing Options
d. Marketing and Promotions Improvements
Module II: Sales Problem Resolution Implementation: A Joint Approach
A. Joint Assessment of the Problem Resolution Strategy
1. Developing a Sense of Ownership through Participative Planning and Execution Processes
2. Getting Feedback on the Chosen Solution
3. Gathering Inputs and Ideas on How to Implement the Solution
B. Specifying the Sales Goals and Activities for each Salesperson
1. Defining Sales Targets and Objectives
2. Assigning Tasks and Responsibilities
C. Joint Development of the Implementation Plan
1. Stating the Procedural Action Steps
a. Specifying the steps to be undertaken
b. Indicating the Time Frame for Accomplishment and Progress Review Schedules
c. Determining the Resources Needed and Person/s Responsible
d. Identifying the Key Results to be Achieved
D. Joint Evaluation of the Results
1. Analyzing the Implementation Achievements vs. Shortcomings
2. Specifying Improvement Areas and Corrective Actions to be taken
3. identifying the Lessons Learned
E. Sales Performance Improvement Action Plan Framework
1. Specifying your Over-all Sales Goals
2. Sales Problem Analysis
3. State your Proposed Actions and Objectives
4. Identify your Procedural Action Steps with Timelines
5. Implementing your Sales Action Plan
6. Evaluating and Correcting the Results
Participants will be entitled to the following:
- Training Manual
- Exercise Sheets
- Certificate of Completion
- Editable Action Plan Templates that can be used to guide the participants on the application of the principles and concepts learned.
- Lunch with Am & Pm Snacks
Rates per slot:
[ BEST RATE ] Based on prevailing Prom/Discount Code. Terms and conditions apply.
[ PREFERRENTIAL RATE ] P19, 500+VAT valid only for registrations and payments made within the assigned due date.
[ REGULAR RATE ] P20, 500+VAT for payments made beyond the assigned due date.
P21, 500+VAT for on-the-day payments.