Successful debt collection is becoming a crucial business imperative, especially in a volatile economy. More and more debts are becoming harder to collect, even from the low risk clients that we used to serve. Good collectors should possess a fairly consistent set of skills. However, one skill stands out as perhaps the most valuable attribute of all effective collectors and that is: the mastery of negotiating.
Like all collection skills, it can be developed with the help of some clear thinking, discipline and, above all, practice. This is the objective of this seminar.
Collecting the money owed by debtors to your company can be frustrating. This is true especially if you're not familiar with strategies and tactics that may help get the results you need and still maintain the positive reputation and credibility of your company.
What You will learn:
1.How to analyze the possible root causes of problem accounts
2.How to assess your next-step actions on how to deal with these problem accounts
3.How prepare a debt negotiation plan
4.How to manage the phases of debt negotiation
5.How to deal with the positive and negative debt negotiation outcomes
Who this seminar is for:
This seminar is for Credit and Collection professionals as well as Sales professionals and other employees who are involved in the debt collection and negotiation processes.
Module I – Problem Account Prevention Strategies
Initial Activity: Analyzing your Most Problematic Account Negotiation Experience
A. Planning to Avert Incidences of Problem Accounts
1.Understanding the Root Cause of Problem Accounts
2.Root Cause Analysis for Problem Accounts
3.Categorizing and Analyzing your Problem Accounts
B. Credit Management as a Collaborative Effort
1.Myths about Credit Management: It’s not Sales vs. Credit and Collection
2.Controlling Disagreements between Collection and Sales
C. Using Communication Tools and Techniques to your Advantage
1.Proofs and Documents for Collection
2.The Power of Personal Visits
3.Telephone Collection Techniques
4.Tips on Collection Email
5.Sending Effective Collection Reminders and Letters
Module II – Phases of Problem Account Negotiation: The Initial Analysis
A. Collection Negotiation Defined
1.The No. 1 Rule in Negotiation
2.When to Negotiate
B. Understanding your Negotiation Style: A Thought Experiment on your Negotiating Style
5.Problem Solver
Breakout Group Activity: A Collection Negotiation Case Analysis
C. The Essence of Negotiating with Problem Debtors
1.What is your objective?
2.What is your stance?
3.What options are open to you?
D. Understanding the Problem Debtor
1.Personality Analysis
2.Situational Analysis
a. Situations that shift the balance of power between creditor and debtor
b. Leverage
E. The Information-based Negotiating Framework
1.The Value of the Relationship with the Client
2.Protecting both parties’ interests
Module III - Phases of Problem Account Negotiation: Assessing the Risks
A. The Criteria for Effective Negotiation
1. Analyzing both Parties’ Goals and Objectives
a. Studying your Bargaining Chips
b. Creating a “Give and Get” List
2. Both parties’ goals and expectations
a. Goals vs. Bottom Lines
b. Establishing Negotiating Zones
B. Calculating the Risks
1. What are the stakes involved?
2. Setting Limits and Boundaries: Bracketing your Offer
3. Negotiating Pressure Points
C. Understanding the Power Equation in Collection
1. Balance of power and Leverage between creditor and debtor
2. Analyzing your Walk-away Options: Using your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
3. Preparing your Negotiation Strategy
4. Studying the Possible Tactics to Use
a. Advance
b. Attack
c. Resist
d. Retreat
Module IV - Phases of Problem Account Negotiation: The Face-off
A. Reading your Clients during the Negotiation
1. The Power of Active Listening and Observation
2. Physical and Non-verbal Communication
3. Verbal Communication
B. Managing the Negotiation Conversation
1. Choosing the Right Communication Approach
a. Aggressive
b. Unassertive
c. Assertive
2. Steps in the Negotiation Conversation
3. Things and Words to Avoid during the Negotiation
C. Handling and Using the Common Negotiating Tactics
1. Higher Authority or Limited Authority Tactic
2. Good Guy - Bad Guy Technique
3. Splitting the Difference
4. The Hot Potato Tactic
5. The Trade-off Tactic
Module V - Phases of Problem Account Negotiation: The Outcome
A. Reaching Acceptable Agreements
1. Positive Outcomes of Effective Collection Negotiations
2. Tips when Closing the Negotiation
B. Handling Problematic Negotiation Outcomes
1. Impasse
2. Stalemate
3. Deadlock
Module VI – Problem Account Management and Negotiation Plan: Take-home Action Assignment
A. Analyzing your strong and weak areas in Collection
B. Negotiation Framework Analysis
1. The Problem
2. Specific Goals
3. Interests and Relationship (Shared/Conflicting)
4. Power and Leverage
5. Assessing your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
6. Possible Proposals
7. Situation and Strategy Analysis
8. My Overall Negotiation Positioning: Why should this client pay their debt?
C. Reviewing your Results
D. Identifying and Applying the Lessons Learned
Participants will be entitled to the following:
- Training Manual
- Exercise Sheets
- Certificate of Completion
- Editable Action Plan Templates that can be used to guide the participants on the application of the principles and concepts learned.
- Lunch with Am & Pm Snacks
Rates per slot:
[ BEST RATE ] Based on prevailing Prom/Discount Code. Terms and conditions apply.
[ PREFERRENTIAL RATE ] P19, 500+VAT valid only for registrations and payments made within the assigned due date.
[ REGULAR RATE ] P20, 500+VAT for payments made beyond the assigned due date.
P21, 500+VAT for on-the-day payments.
8:30am to 5:30pm
2-Days of 8-hour sessions