Proactive Strategies for Averting a Sales Slump: Improving your Sales Performance in Hard Selling Times

The sales department is expected to achieve its targets for the year 2024. If you think it’s going to be tough this year, you are correct. Some may even question the sky-high sales targets set by top management considering the present market conditions.

Here's the hard truth: whether you accept that your targets are achievable or not is not going to help in your situation. They have been set and you need to reach them. What you need to do now is find new ways to overcome the challenges that a tough economy brings. Sales Slumps can and will be part of the equation. If that’s the case, then the best thing to do is to prepare a new plan of action to get a vantage point. 


This program is a must if you are:

• Worried about facing a sales slump and want fresh ideas to boost your sales

• Confused on how to deal with changes in customers and competitors

• Determined to do better in your sales despite weak business projections


Module I – Strengthening your Sales Drive

A. Prepare Yourself

  1. Developing a “Fighter” Attitude  

  2. Differentiating Sales Problems and Sales Constraints

  3. Immunizing yourself against Negative Situations

  4. 5 Key Sales Skills to Develop in Difficult Economic Times

B. Improve your Sales Process

  1. The Changes in the Buying-Selling Process during an Economic Slowdown

  2. Selling to a “New Breed of Customers” during Hard Economic Times

  3. How your Customers will change during Hard Times

  4. Modifying your Selling to match their Buying

  5. What you can do to improve your Sales-win average


Module II – Product or Service Focus

A. The “Fighter” Product Strategy

  1. Addressing the Customers’ Shrinking Budget

  2. Utilizing other Areas to give more Value to Customers

B. Serving and Communicating with Customers Effectively

  1. Understanding the Customers’ Pain

  2. Speaking in the Customers’ Language

  3. Delivering beyond the normal expectation

     a. Customer Satisfaction

     b. Task Control

     c. Cost-Benefit Control


Module III - Developing your Strategies and Tactics

A. Weak Links vs. Strong Links

  1. What is your weakest link and strongest link in your sales process chain?

     a. Revisiting your Sales Process Chain

  2. The Evolution of Sales Relationships

     a. Customer Acquisition

     b. Customer Retention

     c. Strategic Customer Partnership

B. Weak Markets vs. Niche Markets

  1. Analyzing your Products and Markets  

  2. Examining Weak and Star Markets and Customers

     a. Customer Analysis

     b. Market Analysis  

  3. Identifying your Niche Markets and Customers?

C. Weak Competitors vs. Strong Competitors

  1. Competitive Situation Analysis

  2. Who are your strong and weak competitors?

  3. Specifying your Competitive Positioning

D. Specifying your Strategies and Tactics


Module IV - Creating your Proactive Selling Action Plan

A. Analyzing your Sales Challenges

B. Specifying your Next-Step Actions

C. Sales Action Plan and Implementation

D. Evaluation of Sales Results


Participants will be entitled to the following:

- Training Manual

- Exercise Sheets

- Certificate of Completion

- Editable Action Plan Templates that can be used to guide the participants on the application of the principles and concepts learned.

-  Lunch with Am & Pm Snacks

Rates per slot:

[ BEST RATE ] Based on prevailing Prom/Discount Code. Terms and conditions apply.

[ PREFERRENTIAL RATE ] P19, 500+VAT valid only for registrations and payments made within the assigned due date.

[ REGULAR RATE ] P20, 500+VAT for payments made beyond the assigned due date. 

P21, 500+VAT for on-the-day payments.  
