The Power of Branding for SMEs

Brand building is no longer considered a luxury in today’s competitive market conditions. This is because customers and decision makers look at branded products and services as guarantees of quality and reputation.

Why then do many companies limit their marketing and brand building budgets when the economy declines? It is due to the misconception that branding is an expensive endeavor. However, research shows that there are cost-effective ways of brand building.  

What makes this seminar different?

This seminar will focus on the practical aspects of branding by simplifying the concepts and frameworks that go with it. It focuses on how to maximize the brand building with limited budgets and how to develop the most appropriate image for your products and your company.

Branding is not just about getting your customers and prospects to CHOOSE you over the competition; it also means getting them to PERCEIVE you as the BEST solution to their problem. This means that if you build your brand well, you don’t have to sell. You just have to help your customers buy.

What are this seminar’s objectives?

1.To understand the process of building a unique or distinctive image for your brand  

2.To analyze the elements behind the making of great brands

3.To increase the perceived value of your products and services in the minds of customers  

4.To develop a practical Brand Building action plan for your company aimed at producing better business performance


What will you learn?

Module I – How Branding Influences Customers

A. Understanding Key Branding Terms Defined

  1. Brand

  2. Brand Personality

  3. Brand Equity

  4. Brand Awareness

  5. Brand Loyalty

  6. Perception Gap

  7. Brand Associations

  8. Brand Positioning

B. If you’re not a Brand, you’re a Commodity

  1. Needs and Wants Analysis: Do customers prefer you to be branded?

  2. The Choice: Create an Identity or Linger in Anonymity

  3. The Problem of Commodification and Price-Based Competition

     a. Why Customers prefer Brands?

     b. Turning Perception Gaps into Perceptions of Value

4.The Benefits and Pitfalls of Branding


Module II – The Basic Elements of Brand Building  

A. Defining the Brand you want to Build

  1. What is your Brand’s Promise?

     a. Four Elements of a Brand’s Promise

        1) Making a Promise that has Value

        2) Communicating the Promise

        3) Living the Promise

        4) Strengthening the Promise

     b. Determining your Brand’s Personality

        1) Brand Positioning

        2) Brand Image

        3) Brand Values

        4) Aspects of Brand Personality

B. Building your Brand’s Equity

  1. Equity = Trust + Identity of your Brand to Customers

     a. External Brand Equity

     b. Internal Brand Equity

     c. Analyzing your Brand Touch points

  2. Differentiating your Brand  

     a. Brand Awareness

     b. Brand Image

     c. Brand Associations

C. Analyzing your Brand Reputation Drivers

  1. Product and Service Quality

  2. Price

  3. Process

  4. Place

  5. People

  6. Promotions

  7. Physical Evidence

D. Designing Meaningful Brand Experiences

  1. Brand Consonance vs. Brand Dissonance

  2. Mapping out the Customer Experience

  3. Modeling the Experience you want to create

  4. Moving towards delighting your Customers


Module III – The Rewards of Branding

A. Promoting Long-term growth

  1. Why Brands last longer and do better than Non-brands?

  2. Developing Brand Loyalty in your Customers

B. Better Business Performance

  1. Establishing Resiliency during tough times

  2. Penetrating Other Markets


Module IV – Developing your Brand Building Plan: Your Take-home Action Assignment

A. Customer Needs and Preferences Analysis

B. Identifying Areas of Brand Building Opportunities and Threats

C. Analyzing the Current state of your company and your brand

D. Determining your Branding Initiative

E. Creating your Brand Building Action Plan

F. Implementing and Evaluating the Results: Brand Tracking  


Rates and Deadlines:

[ DISCOUNTED RATE ] Based on prevailing PROMO Code [ valid only for registration made within the promo period and paid within the assigned due date 

[ REGULAR RATE ] P5, 999+VAT per participant will be applied to registrations made beyond the Early Bird Period and paid within the assigned due date

P6, 399+VAT rate will be applied for on-the-day payments

[Seminar Fee includes snacks, lunch, learning materials and Certificate of completion]
