Successful Sales Negotiations: Strategies and Tactics

Negotiation is an important opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to establishing long-term value-oriented relationships with clients. Negotiation in sales can be a formal event, at a specific time and date, or it can be an ongoing activity at different points of the sales process. That is why it is critical for salespeople to develop the skills and mindset necessary to win in today’s competitive marketplace.

Negotiation goes beyond price... it includes the entire value proposition. As a sales professional, you're seeking mutually beneficial relationships with prospects and customers to derive true win/win agreements. Practiced and applied well, effective sales negotiation skills can increase the level of trust and credibility you and your company have with your prospects and customers.

This two-day program helps you develop important win-win negotiating skills to get both you and your client through the negotiation process. This principled approach to negotiating allows you to find options and solutions applicable to different client personalities and situations.  By covering the negotiation process comprehensively – from planning to strategizing and applying negotiation tactics, the expected outcome is a more confident and on-target negotiation approach geared towards enhancing your sales performance.


Program Objectives:

1. Maximize effectiveness in managing sales negotiation situations  

2. Effectively negotiate from the perspective of long-term value not just lowest price  

3. Change the focus from simply applying negotiation tactics to preparing, planning and strategizing for the negotiation contact  

4. Prevent and/or Manage conflicts and negative outcomes during negotiations  

5. Personify and reflect the key corporate values of your company when negotiating with clients


Module I: The Negotiation Essentials

A. Negotiation Defined

  1. The No. 1 Rule in Negotiating

  2. When to Negotiate

  3. The Negotiating Issues and Dilemmas

B. The Elements of Effective Negotiations

  1. The Negotiating Style

     a. 5 Basic Negotiating Styles: Analyzing your Negotiating Style

     b. Going beyond Style to Effectiveness

     c. Your Negotiating Style Checklist

  2. The Goals and Expectations

     a. Goals vs. Bottom Lines

     b. Establishing Negotiating Zones

     c. Your Goals and Expectations Checklist

  3. The Power Sources

     a. Situational Power

     b. Intrinsic Power

     c. Your Power Checklist

  4. The Relationship Factor

     a. The Reciprocity Principle and Relationship Factor in Negotiation Planning

     b. The Psychological Strategies in Client Relationship Building

     c. The Relationship Factor Checklist

  5. The Other Party’s Interests

     a. Client’s Decision-making Process

     b. The Negotiation Interferences  

     c. Common Grounds for Agreement and Options Search

  6. Your Leverage

     a. Balancing Needs and Fears

     b. The Negotiating Pressure Points

     c. Power vs. Leverage


Module II: Preparing your Negotiating Strategy

A. Situational Assessment

  1. The Situational Matrix

  2. Matching Situation, Strategy and Style

  3. Assessing the Situation from the Other Party’s perspective

B. The Information Exchange

  1. Establishing Rapport

  2. Understanding Interests, Issues and Perceptions  

  3. Indicating your Expectations and Leverage

C. Opening and Making Concessions

  1. The Negotiation Dilemma: Who should open first?

     a. Tips when you open first

     b. Tips when the client opens first

  2. Applying your Negotiating Strategy

     a. Examining the Concessions you can give

     b. Choosing your Negotiating Tactics

        1) Attack Tactics

        2) Advance Tactics

        3) Resist Tactics

        4) Retreat Tactics

  3. Detecting and using Mind Games

     a. Verbal Language

     b. Body Language

D. Closing and Gaining Commitment

  1. Things to Remember when Closing

  2. What to do during the Post-Closure Phase

  3. Managing Negative Negotiation Outcomes

     a. Impasse

     b. Stalemate

     c. Deadlock

  4. Three Ethical Frameworks in Negotiating


Module IV: Developing your Tactical Negotiation Plan: The Application Assignment Framework

A. Situational Assessment

  1. Problem Statement

  2. Identifying Target Decision Maker and Goal Analysis

  3. Power and Leverage Assessment

  4. The Situational Matrix

B. Strategy Analysis

  1. Developing your Strategic Negotiation Plan

  2. Choosing the Appropriate Negotiating Tactics

C. Procedural Implementation Plan

  1. Developing your Negotiation Flow Chart

  2. Stating Time Frames and Resources needed

  3. Stating the Key Results you want to achieve


Participants will be entitled to the following:

- Training Manual

- Exercise Sheets

- Certificate of Completion

- Editable Action Plan Templates that can be used to guide the participants on the application of the principles and concepts learned.

-  Lunch with Am & Pm Snacks

Rates per slot:

[ BEST RATE ] Based on prevailing Prom/Discount Code. Terms and conditions apply.

[ PREFERRENTIAL RATE ] P20, 500+VAT valid only for registrations and payments made within the assigned due date.

[ REGULAR RATE ] P21, 500+VAT for payments made beyond the assigned due date. 

P22, 500+VAT for on-the-day payments.  
