Leadership Essentials for the New Workplace

The ability to sustain success in any organization lies in the capacity of its leaders to cultivate a collaborative work environment in a ‘multi-generational’ workforce. As organizations continue to promote top performers to lead positions, many have experienced the difficult journey of achieving true success in working with and through people.  

Does having the skills then, to manage or supervise people necessarily equate to becoming a good leader?

Today's managers and supervisors need to understand that managing and leading people are very different, but they should go hand in hand.

The process of Management deals with the science of getting things done, while the Leadership process deals with the art of guiding and empowering people to achieve the goals of the organization. Leading people is not about simply dictating and commanding, it means living, influencing and exciting subordinates to deliver in midst of challenges and changes that they encounter every day. Needless to say, extraordinary leadership is now required if we want to succeed in today's challenging business environment.  


What makes this program different?

This training was designed to present new ideas on enhancing leadership skills that are merged with practical applications of common workplace problems that managers encounter. This is intended to develop the practical leadership skills of the participants, as compared to complex concepts that are difficult to apply in the "real" world.


What are this seminar's objectives?

   1. To enlighten the participants on the value of leadership as they manage and supervise their teams to perform

   2. To help the participants grasp a deeper understanding of their leadership roles and responsibilities

   3. To learn the psychological and behavioral elements of leading effective teams

   4. To develop ideas and action plans on how to inspire employees for improved performance  

   5. To build the manager's confidence and credibility as a person worth  following for the betterment of the organization and its people


Module I - The Essentials of Effective Leadership

A. The Difference and Connection between Leadership and Management

  1. The Management Functions

     a. Planning

     b. Organizing

     c. Motivating

     d. Controlling

  2. The Leadership Functions

     a. Providing Purpose and Direction

     b. Guiding People towards the Goal

     c. Achieving the Expected Results

  3. Essential Components of Effective Leadership

     a. Sense of Urgency or Threats

     b. Clarity of Vision and Leadership Purpose

     c. Leadership Character and Integrity

     d. Leadership Strategy and Tactics

B. Analyzing your Leadership Situation

  1. The Realities of Leadership

     a. Managing the Tensions of Leadership

     b. The Upside and Downside of Leadership

  2. Specifying your Leadership Challenges

     a. Identifying your Leadership Problem

        1) People-related Issues

        2) Work-related Issues

     b. Analyzing the Root Causes of your Leadership Challenges

        1) Differentiating Problems and Constraints

        2) Causal vs. Symptomatic Problems

  3. Measuring your Leadership Skills

     a. What is the Leadership Gap?

     b. Analyzing your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Leader

     c. Assessing your Leadership Style

     d. Checking the Fit of your Leadership Style

Module II - The Elements of Effective Leadership  

A. The Factors affecting your Leadership Style

  1. Type of Followers

     a. Skills and Competency Level

     b. Motivational Level

     c. Task-oriented vs. Process-oriented Followers

  2. Nature of the Situation

     a. Team Vision and Goals

     b. Team Roles and Responsibilities

     c. Inter-team and Intra-team Relationships

     d. Work Processes

  3. Communication Processes

     a. Communication Problems and Issues

     b. Analyzing the Root Causes of Communication Problems

B. The Vital Elements for Leading your Team

  1. Goal Clarity

     a. Setting Performance Goals and Targets

     b. Promoting a Sense of Ownership on Goals

  2. Role Clarity

     a. Defining Employee Roles and Responsibilities

     b. Specifying Priorities and Accountability

  3. Interaction and Coordination

     a. Communication Methods and Media

     b. Instructing and Delegating

  4. Processes and Work Procedures

     a. Assessment of Work Processes

     b. Determining the Common Problem Areas

     c. Training and Coaching People to Deliver

Module III - Managing the Challenges of Leadership

A. Managing your People-related Issues

  1. Dealing with Ethical Issues

  2. Dealing with Difficult Employee Situations

     a) Bridging Generational Gaps: Boomers, Millennials and Gen Z's

     b) Dealing with Problem Employees

     c) Managing Gray-haired Employees

     d) Handling Missing-In-Action Employees

     e) Addressing Criticizers and Complainers

  3. Managing your Boss' Expectations

  4. Dealing with Conflicts and Office Politics

B. Managing your Work-related Issues

  1. Addressing Work Inconsistencies and Unmet Expectations

  2. Developing Teamwork and Cooperation

  3. Measuring and Correcting Team Performance

C. Managing your Personal Problems as Leader

  1. Managing Stress and Time Pressures

  2. Managing Resistance and Apathy

  3. Implementing Change

  4. Balancing Work and Personal Priorities

  5. Bouncing Back from Rejections and Frustrations

Module IV - Leadership Enhancement Action Plan

A. Identifying Areas of Improvement

  1. Selecting your Most Important Leadership Challenge to Address

  2. Specifying your Team Vision, Goals and Objectives

B. Developing Strategies and Tactics for Improvement

  1. Strategic Direction: Where do I Focus?

     a. Leadership Factors

     b. Employee Issues

     c. Work Issues

  2. Tactical Direction: How do I Implement the Change?

     a. Procedural action steps

     b. Time Frame for Accomplishment

     c. Resources and Tools needed

     d. Key Results to be Achieved

C.  Evaluating the Results

   1. Comparing Achievements vs. Shortcomings

   2. Assessing the Root Cause

   3. Specifying Corrective Actions to be Taken


Participants will be entitled to the following:

- Training Manual

- Exercise Sheets

- Certificate of Completion

-  Lunch with Am & Pm Snacks

Rates per slot:

[ BEST RATE ] Based on prevailing Prom/Discount Code. Terms and conditions apply.

[ PREFERRENTIAL RATE ] P19, 500+VAT valid only for registrations and payments made within the assigned due date.

[ REGULAR RATE ] P20, 500+VAT for payments made beyond the assigned due date. 

P21, 500+VAT for on-the-day payments.  
