Management Basics for New Managers and Supervisors

It is common for companies to promote outstanding or high performing individuals to supervisory or managerial positions.

The management does this as a form of reward and recognition for the invaluable service that these deserving individuals have rendered. However, little attention is given to the leadership maturity and proficiency needed to perform well in their new jobs.

This 2-day program seeks to provide guides and tools to help the "new" leaders of your organization gain clarity and direction in the way they lead their people, manage their resources and attain the results expected of them and their teams.

What makes this program different?

This program is different because it uses a supportive approach that is responsive to the various challenges that each specific participant encounters.

 The training modules provide practical information and suggestions, with the right combination of theory and skills application to suit those who are already engaged in supervising and managing.

What are this Program's objectives?

1. To help new managers and supervisors appreciate the importance of their roles 
2. To provide guides that would help unleash their leadership potentials in challenging situations
3. To develop better teams through deeper commitment, understanding and trust among team players
4. To empower managers and supervisors to view their primary function as people enablers and role models

Who is this program for?

This program is designed for new managers and supervisors who would like to enhance their leadership and managerial skills. This would also be beneficial for people who would like to update their skills as well as those who are being prepared for promotion in the future.

Module I - Shifting Mindsets: From Subordinate to Leader

A. Appreciating your New Role
    1. The Upside and Downside of Leadership

    2. The Phases of Getting Accepted as a Leader
        a. Rejection Phase
        b. Denial Phase
        c. Acceptance Phase

B. Finding your "New Normal "
    1. How Managers and Supervisors Learn to lead
    2. Checking your Readiness for Leading your Team
    3. Embracing the Challenges and Opportunities of being a Leader

Module II - The Managerial/Supervisory Functions

A. Planning
    1. Getting over the "Thrown into the Position" Dilemma
    2. 5 Common Mistakes New Supervisors/Managers commit
    3. Planning to Please vs. Planning to Achieve
    4. Mapping your Direction to Achieve Goals
    5. Aligning your Actions with Company Expectations

B. Organizing
    1. Organizing yourself
        a. Building your Credibility in your New Job
           1) Speak like a Leader
           2) Act like a Leader
           3) Think like a Leader
           4) Listen like a Leader

        b. Time Management and Setting Priorities
        c. Management by Objective (MBO) and Management by Exception (MBE)
        d. Delegating and Promoting a Culture of Learning

    2. Organizing your Team
       a. Checking your Team Members
          1) Are they Profitable?
          2) Are they Directable?

       b. Testing your Team's Proficiency Level (Skill-Will Matrix)

    3. Developing Action Plans for Areas of Improvement
        a. Commitment to Perform
        b. Communication and Coordination
        c. Team Problem Areas
C. Motivating and Leading
    1. Understanding the Different Motivators
        a. Achievement
        b. Power
        c. Belongingness
        d. Respect
        e. Equity

    2. Analyzing what Motivates your People
    3. Matching your Motivational Tools to your People's Motivation
    4. Leading your Team
        a. Analyzing your Team's Life Cycle
        b. Aligning your Leadership to the Team's Situation
           1) New Team and New Leader
           2) Old Team and New Leader
           3) Old Team and Young Leader
           4) Young Team and Old Leader

        c. The Pygmalion Effect within Teams 
        d. The Leadership Bank Account

 D. Controlling
    1. The Elements of Effective Performance
        a. Mutual Goal Setting
        b. Clear Inputs
        c. Specific Outputs
        d. Positive Reinforcement
        e. Joint Problem Solving and Analysis

    2. Evaluating your Team's Performance
        a. Setting Expectations and Key Performance Indicators
        b. Evaluation as a Means of Support
        c. Monitoring your Team's Activities

    3. Disciplining with Empathy
        a. Preventing and Anticipating Problems and Conflicts
        b. The Hot Stove Rule
        c. How to Discipline the "Right" way

Module III - Enhancing your Value to the Company

A. Managing your Boss' Expectations
    1. Getting the Job done
    2. Helping your Company achieve its goals
    3. Being a Positive Influence in the Workplace
    4. Managing the Tensions of Leadership

B. The Paradox of Leadership
C. Your Take-home Action Assignment: Applying what you have learned

Participants will be entitled to the following:

- Training Manual

- Exercise Sheets

- Certificate of Completion

-  Lunch with Am & Pm Snacks

Rates per slot:

[ BEST RATE ] Based on prevailing Prom/Discount Code. Terms and conditions apply.

[ PREFERRENTIAL RATE ] P20, 500+VAT valid only for registrations and payments made within the assigned due date.

[ REGULAR RATE ] P21, 500+VAT for payments made beyond the assigned due date. 

P22, 500+VAT for on-the-day payments.  
