Help Companies Grow Faster: Train and Empower your New Managers

Do your company’s managers have the management skills training they need to lead their people?
One can determine if a manager is effective by asking one question: Can they get things done through their people?
The main responsibility of every manager is to fulfill tasks through other people.

While being a highly skilled worker is necessary to be promoted to a managerial position, this is not the only qualification. There is a common misconception that a promotion is merely a reward, but the new responsibilities and need for leadership ability should also be considered.

New managers are often happy with their promotion only at first, but later on may start to feel regret because of all the changes that they were not prepared for. If managers have negative feelings about their job, how can they get things done through people? Although the promise of a salary increase may convince managers to stay, this is not as effective in ensuring the quality of their performance.

Majority of managers are promoted because of their outstanding work, yet never receive any proper basic training. Most may not realize it, but this move is actually a gamble.

Two possibilities may result from this:

  1. The new manager may adapt on their own, learning slowly.
  2. They may find great difficulty adjusting, and eventually become demotivated, as reflected in their performance.

Which do you think is the more likely occurrence? Moreover, is the gamble truly worth it?

Manage the transition

Transitioning from employee to leader is crucial. Managers and supervisors can be better at their jobs once they accept their new role – both the benefits and the challenges. They need to understand that they are different from their people not only because of their title, but because of their responsibilities and abilities. They must go beyond the title of ‘Manager’ and be a leader in every aspect – being able to think, act, and move like a leader. This way, they will be able to build their credibility

and improve how they handle their people.

Management and Leadership techniques should go together

Though they are able to manage their time and resources for their own tasks, the added responsibility of having to get things done through people requires a new set of skills. The science of achieving efficiency in Management, and the art of influencing people in Leadership, are two very important processes that go hand in hand despite their differences.

Help your company grow. Give your managers the tools they need to build powerful teams that will truly drive you to success.

If you are serious about your company’s growth and improvement, choose HarryPound and create Champions from the start. We can be your partner in aiding your new managers with their transition, and help them inspire their people to begin a culture of excellence in the workplace.

Don’t leave your company’s success up to chance.

Create a company of Champions now, with our Management and Leadership training programs. Choose from our basic and advanced programs to enhance the skills of both new and experienced managers, for any and all situations.

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Give your managers the management skills training they need today, and see exponential growth in your company.